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Sie suchten nach: Meldungs Nr : 1196191
07.08.2021|Projekt-ID 210335|Meldungsnummer 1196191|Zuschläge      Berichtigung


Publikationsdatum Simap: 07.08.2021

1. Auftraggeber

1.1 Offizieller Name und Adresse des Auftraggebers

Bedarfsstelle/Vergabestelle: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Infrastructure financing Division
Beschaffungsstelle/Organisator: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economic cooperation and development
Infrastructure financing, Holzikofenweg 36,  3003  Bern,  Schweiz,  E-Mail:,  URL

1.2 Art des Auftraggebers

Bund (Zentrale Bundesverwaltung)

1.3 Verfahrensart

Offenes Verfahren

1.4 Auftragsart


1.5 Staatsvertragsbereich


2. Beschaffungsobjekt

2.1 Projekttitel der Beschaffung

Healthcare Hazardous Waste Management Project in Egypt– Implementation Consultancy
Gegenstand und Umfang des Auftrags:  The Project objective is to provide the health facility staff and the population of Dakhaleya Governorate with an efficiently and sustainably functioning healthcare waste management system.
The Implementation consultant supports the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) with the following main activities below:
1)Preparation and validation phase:
oReview, update and validate the existing documents
oFinalize the tender documents for the Waste Treatment Plant Facilities
2)Implementation phase:
oProcure, install and commission treatment facilities
oDevelop a waste collection, transportation and disposal system
oEstablish and train a collection, transfer and disposal department
oDevelop sustainable financial system with business plan
oDisseminate to other governorates
oReview and update national strategy

2.2 Dienstleistungskategorie

Dienstleistungskategorie CPC:  [27] Sonstige Dienstleistungen

2.3 Gemeinschaftsvokabular

CPV:  90524000 - Dienstleistungen für medizinische Abfälle,
71356000 - Dienstleistungen im technischen Bereich,
71350000 - Wissenschaftliche und technische Dienstleistungen im Ingenieurwesen

3. Zuschlagsentscheid

3.1 Zuschlagskriterien

Gemäss Ausschreibung

3.2 Berücksichtigte Anbieter

Name: COWI A/S, Parallelvej 2,  2800  Kongens Lyngby,  Dänemark
Preis (Gesamtpreis):  CHF 1'508'000.00 ohne MWSt.

4. Andere Informationen

4.1 Ausschreibung

Publikation vom: 26.10.2020
im Publikationsorgan: «Système d'information sur les marchés publics en Suisse»
Meldungsnummer 1157563

4.2 Datum des Zuschlags

Datum: 11.03.2021

4.3 Anzahl eingegangene Angebote

Anzahl Angebote: 1

4.5 Rechtsmittelbelehrung

In accordance with Article 56 paragraph 1 of the Public Procurement Act (PPA), a written appeal against this decision can be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court, P.O. Box, 9023 St. Gallen, Switzerland, within 20 days of notification. Any appeal is to be submitted in duplicate and must include what is being sought, the grounds for appeal, evidence and the signature of the person lodging the appeal or his or her representative. A copy of this decision and available evidence must be included.
The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) on legal holidays do not apply in accordance with Article 56 paragraph 2 of the PPA. Based on Article 52 paragraph 2 of the PPA, the appeal can be used only to establish that this decision violates federal law, but not to apply for its cancellation. Foreign providers are permitted to appeal only to the extent that the state in which they are domiciled grants reciprocal rights.