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Sie suchten nach: Meldungs Nr : 1345309
21.06.2023|Projekt-ID 252518|Meldungsnummer 1345309|Zuschläge      Berichtigung

Contracts awarded

Date of publication Simap: 21.06.2023

1. Contracting authority

1.1 Official name and address of the contracting authority

Contracting authority/Authority of assignment: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Procurement authority/Organizer: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, Holzikofenweg 36,  3003  Bern,  Switzerland,  Telephone:  +41 58 464 08 23,  Fax:  +41 58 463 18 94,  E-mail:

1.2 Type of contracting authority

Confederation (Central federal administration)

1.3 Type of procedure

Open procedure

1.4 Type of order

Order for services

1.5 Scope of international treaties


2. Objects of procurement

2.1 Project title of the acquisition

Expert Advisory Services Sustainable Urban Development
Subject and scope of the contract :  The Economic Cooperation and Development division is responsible for the planning and implementation of ODA financed develop. activities with lower middle income countries. SECO has been active in supporting municipalities in their strategic urban planning processes and the improvement of urban infrastructure services. In this context, SECO is seeking for strategic, operational and technical consultancy with expertise in sustainable urban development. The consultancy is expected to a) conduct scoping or feasibility studies, conceptualize projects and review new projects on urban development; b) provide on demand strategic/technical advisory on ongoing SECO urban development projects c) conduct internal reviews and evaluations, subcontract consultants for external project evaluations d) reassess SECO’s strategic approach in line with future developments and new topics and e) support external communication on SECO’s urban development work and prepare public and internal events.

2.3 Common Procurement Vocabulary

CPV:  71241000 - Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis,
79314000 - Feasibility study,
71242000 - Project and design preparation, estimation of costs,
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services,
66171000 - Financial consultancy services,
71410000 - Urban planning services,
90712100 - Urban environmental development planning

3. Decision of acceptance

3.1 Award criteria

According to the invitation to tender

3.2 Tenderer considered

Attention: Consortium Urbaplan SA, ENCO and Transitec
Name: urbaplan sa, Avenue de Montchoisi 21,  1006  Lausanne,  Switzerland
Price (total price):  CHF 1'900'000.00 without VAT
Additional information: Total Price of CHF 1'900'000 (Basic Agreement CHF 950'000 and Option 1 CHF 950'000)

3.3 Reasons for the decision to award

Reasons: The mandate has been awarded to a consortium consisting of Urbaplan SA, ENCO Energie-Consulting AG and Transitec Ingénieurs-Conseils SA who proposed the overall best technical expert team (especially in the domains of urban energy management and urban mobility) and also the best team organisation (optimal balance between number of experts and specific expertise). Further, the consortium has a demonstrated extensive expertise and experience in all relevant urban development sectors.

4. Other information

4.1 Invitation to tender

Publications from: 28.02.2023
Organ of publication:
Number of publication 1316779

4.2 Date of the award

Date: 16.06.2023

4.3 Number of offers received

Number of offers: 5

4.4 Additional information

Total Price of CHF 1'900'000 (Basic Agreement CHF 950'000 and Option 1 CHF 950'000)

4.5 Procedures for appeal

There is no right of appeal for this tender procedure.